21 Nov 2014

Friday Five: Five Happy Memories with the Belgian

In the spirit of Friday Five and the fact that it is the Belgians' birthday I will list five happy memories we have shared together:

1)  Night markets, sunset cocktails, lots of noodles (even for breakfast), five star glamour, karaoke and sight seeing on honeymoon in Malaysia

2) Dodging jellyfish, eating lots of delicious ice-cream, historic tours and our yellow bus setting on fire on holiday in Malta

3) A Californian road trip: three weeks of huge portions, town hopping, kayaking with tiger sharks, staying in some questionable motels, climbing the steep streets of San Fran and Jelly Belly World

4) A romantic mini break in the historic town of Budapest with visits to the night market, lots of selfies and lots of lounging around in saunas

5) Him holding our little baby is his arms for the first half an hour of his life whilst I was being sewn up. You were so supportive and he was the most gorgeous baby either of us had ever seen!

Happy birthday to a great husband and father!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to him! and hope the celebrations are as happy and enjoyable as all those lovely trips ...


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