16 Jan 2015

Let's talk about photography...

I read this post, a few weeks back, on the inspiring Jill Sprott's blog about how the way that we take photos has changed. I also love looking at old photos and that feeling of anticipation when getting photographs devloped and that sense of not knowing whether they would be good shots or not - and how that risk was all part of the suprprise. Often you were left with imperfect photos, but they told a story - instead of perfectly posed for instagram that has been shot ten times and edited with an app and then given a retro filter to make it look a bit more glam.

Jill linked to this amazing blog by Tara Whitney. She takes real photos and captures the essense of her subjects and her photos are authentic and they speak to the viewer. They are often unposed and natural shots, which made me think about how I take photos.

I am not a photographer in any sense of the world, but I am obsessed with taking photos, documenting and memories. A wallet of photos is like the results of a designer shopping spree or make-up haul for most ladies. I love to flick through them, to remember those precious moments and to plan how to use them and which products to co-ordinate them with.

In fact a lot of my Christmas presents this year were based on photos. I put together a photo album for the Belgian great-grandparents and for his Oma too. They had both been begging for copies of pictures for months and months, but I had an SLR cable issue. I also gave the Belgian's sister some instagram magnets of the Baby and her. They were very cute and I would definitely recommend the company - find them here.https://sticky9.com/ 

So whilst a lot of the time I feel like a fraud pulling out my ancient slr and using it on auto most of the time - I know that it takes better pictures than my iphone (which actually takes very poor photos, especially when you try to enlarge them!) 

What are your photography skills like? Are you a canon or Nikon girl? Or phone camera for the convenience?


  1. I got a new Canon for Christmas, but I know it's going to take me ages to work it all out. I'm taking it slowly! I'll admit to being a big fan of phone photos for the convenience and the "no pressure" results.

  2. My lovely lightweight point and shoot has bitten the dust and I only have my phone - which I am not happy with for just the reasons you mention. But our big SLR is just so unwieldy and so hard to take on a walk ... I want something with many of its capabilities but about half the size!


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